Beauty_Cutie_Iren: Let's discover this secret!
Our life isn't constant – every day is a big surprise for us. I'm sure you've noticed that nothing stand still, and its amazing! And it is not only about weather, people and world around us. Its about US!
Every day we discover something new and become somebody new. Every day you understand a little bit more about you, about some book, about your friends. Do you agree with it?
I want to use this and to get everything from this life! That's why I don't want to waste my time on TV, serials and so on.( But there are some exceptions like favourite movie;) ) Life is too short and too interesting I think.
That's why I have a lot of interests. I like painting, taking photos, travelling, literature, going in for sports and studying the cultures of foreign countries. And while I'm doing this I'm happy! My friends tell me that I'm shining like the sun!
I think that I have strong character and I’m not inclined to self-reproach, though I know all my shortcomings and mistakes. But I won’t crack and run for the hills if we will have some problems, I will talk to you, but I want you not just listen to what I say, but HEAR it. By-turn I’m also ready to hear what you will have to say me. I’m searching for equal partner and I’m not going to bow and scrape before my husband. He must be my PARTNER and FRIEND first, then of course passionate lover and affectionate father for our children. I’m ready to work in team creating our world.
My wish is to meet somebody not like me to feel something I have never felt before. I want to fall in love – its the biggest secret for me. Its like a magic!
I want to know if it can be any mystery, something magical between us?
What is your passion?...