Creativity is my life
id: 10055931

Creativity is my life!

I merge with the process, without thinking about anything else, and it happens naturally.
After all, for example, when you fall in love, love, you follow the dictates of your heart in your behavior with your loved one, without thinking, it happens by itself!
Art is a great teacher. Thanks to it, I learned patience, a subtle sense of harmony, to notice interesting things, to see colors in the colorless ....
Drawing is my little world, which exists according to my rules. I draw what I want and how I want, and this makes me happy and warm in my soul.
BEAUTY will save the world. And LOVE will save the world.
And Art = beauty + love. So we, artists, poets, musicians, craftsmen - are the real guardian angels of this fragile, chaotic, and sometimes unbearable world. We make it better, kinder, cleaner, and more livable )))
