How important is it in life to stay cheerful
id: 10037815

How important is it in life to stay cheerful and always believe in the best?

personally, I believe that good thoughts attract some kind of good and if you think about something positively then there will be a lot of positive emotions in your life and I would like to know if there are many people who also believe in this?Or am I the only girl who thinks that way?

It seems to me that everyone needs to start thinking about something good, cheerful and then everything will be fine in life, maybe someone lives that way and therefore everything is fine in his life

You can probably talk a lot about this topic, but personally I believe that if you think about something beautiful, positive, kind, then you will have a lot of it in your life, right????

And how often does each of you think about something good and positive?maybe you do this every day and that's why you wake up in a good mood, full of strength and energy???
