To get a watermelon as sweet as "honey", i always choose a "girl".
id: 10055931

When choosing a watermelon, it's not that simple, because you still need to find the sweetest and ripest one from the pile, and this is already quite problematic.

The point is that watermelons are divided into girls and boys, and you need to choose girls and then the watermelon will most likely be very sweet.

It's very easy to determine whether you have a girl or a boy in front of you, look at the bottom of the watermelon, the one without a tail.
The bottom should be large, usually in girls it is immediately visible, and in boys there is only a small spot like a grain, maybe a little larger.
But that's not all, to find an even better quality watermelon, I also use other well-known methods.
I choose a medium-sized watermelon and always slap it with my palm to check what sound it makes. A ripe watermelon should make a drum sound, it should be clearly audible, but that's not all.
I also look at the appearance, the watermelon should look cheerful, beautiful and kind of shiny, not matte and somehow dirty and scratched.
Bottom line, to choose a sweet watermelon you need to find a girl who will be neat on the outside and ringing on the inside, that's how I choose a watermelon and I've almost never made a mistake when choosing😜
