Men where are you?? No really, where are you?? I simply ready to give up. My morning started from 4 letters from men, I wanted to copy paste them and put them here but its not allowed so ok I will tell you in short words. 1St was a man who wrote me no Hi, no How are you, directly “ if you want I can f ck you, come to me and I will show you real sex”, he went into more rude details what he will do next, but I am sorry my education not let me repeat his words! Lets go more, 2d man wrote me “if you want to get marry with me come in my country, if you will be first of all whom I invited you will win me, so you need hurry and get me faster.” So this man simply doesnt care which woman come to him, main she was a woman and he can have her, thats it, no feelings, no emotions, women like piece of meat, main that she agreed to come, paid her own expenses and of course sex included.
3d one, are you ready?? Oh it was most funny. He wrote me that he wants to watch how his dog will have sex with me. And I will leave it without comments.....
Last one wrote that I am scammer cause all ukrainian women are scammers, well it was our first correspondence with him, so seems he knows me better then even I am!
And do you see that ANY of them wrote he wants a wife???
MEN if you want women respect you, respect them first of all!!! We are not piece of meat, we are not sluts, we are not desperate. Till that time you learn how to respect us no one come to you!!!! Realize it and live with that!!!
WOMEN, never ever even think to go to such men, they will throw you away right after satisfy their needs, better live alone all life and die with 3 cats at home, instead of living with man who push you to have sex with his dog, watch how you cry when he have sex with you or simply dont respect you as woman!!!!
Men I beg you, start to be MEN, that we adore you!!!!
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