id: 10055931

It's nice to wake up in the morning, as usual, and then remember that today is a day off, stretch, curl up, clasp your hand between your knees, and take a nap.
It's nice to give yourself a small gift.
Just like that. Not because "I have to" or "I deserve it."
But because it's nice.
Go to the hairdresser, eat a chocolate bar, buy a trinket. It's nice to plan a bunch of things and get them all done.
Meet a stranger with the feeling that you've known him for a hundred years, and have a heart-to-heart talk.
It's nice to fall in love. Not to prove your indispensability, like, there's no one better than me, but to fall in love. So that your soul becomes warm. So that the warmth fills you completely and you want to share it with others.
It's nice to do what you're afraid of. And praise yourself. And wonder why you haven't done it before.
It's nice to surprise your loved ones. Simply because you know how to be attentive. Remember the date of birth and favorite dish, musician and eye color, favorite habit and state of mind. Understand at a glance, feel at a glance, guess desires. Do a little more than asked. Support in difficult times. Believe in another person, even when he himself doubts.
