Hello everyone! I have been thinking about something to discuss here! You know sometimes you dont like to read or write long. But for us this is a way how we communicate. And i would like to initiate a talk about maybe a very interesting topic. Let me hear what you think about that! Proceeding from my life experience, I can safely say: a real man is persistent! 24/7, all year round. No sick leave or leave at own expense. A real man if he saw his goal, then no obstacles will not be in his way, for him, in principle, does not exist! And for that matter, a real man will not lose interest in his woman, let around a million others, no less attractive. But translating the language of metaphors, is it possible to call a lion clever, if catching up with one fresh antelope, he immediately running for a new one? After all, a new one can not catch up, but the previous one will already get to the hyenas. A hunger is not my aunt, as they say. Do you agree with me? I hope you understand correctly, dear, and justify your gender!
Your Antelope!
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