Despite the fact that men stubbornly argue that a woman at the wheel is an analog of a monkey with a grenade, a source of increased danger and other horrors that can only be born in a good imagination, I decided to go to driving schoold and try happiness in getting driving licence!:)) During this learning I even found some proves that woman can be not worse... or even better driver than a man!:) First of all because the instinct of self-preservation is highly developed in women. It's really so... especially if woman has kids. She thinks of them first of all, tha she must to save herself for them. I have a kid and I know about what I am writing now. Once, I had to go for lesson, but I had not any variants, with whom I could leave my son during this time. So I took him with myself... after long persuasions my instructor agreed to give me a lesson with my son in car. Ohh I was so careful and attentively!!!:)) Also as for me women are more tender with a car than men. The woman will not put pressure on the brake pedal with all her strength, and this will save from many problems with car. Men prefer cardinal methods: if to brake, then from the bottom of the heart, if to gas - then the accelerator pedal to the floor. :)) For many men driving a car is not only necessity to get from one place to another, its like action full of adventures for them... they make competitions on the road with each other, try to prove who is faster, better and so on... for women everything is different, they just want to get to shop and then to come back home, for example!:))) Of course, my words probably are not about all women and all men... its just my own thoughts. What is your opinion... can woman be a great driver or better to leave this mission for men?:) PS: btw, couple of days ago I passed exams successfully, so you can congratulate me!:)) Maybe you could advice me something as for beginner?:)
Will wait for you meaning, I am very thankfull for any assistance!
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