No doubts every country has its own cultures and traditions, so when you seek a woman from my side of the world it’s better to know some peculiarities in order not to be confused and lose your chance to find your significant others. I started to get acquainted with western way of life several years ago and noticed we have some differences in very simple but so important things so I want to share them with you!
1. WEDDING RING! When a man sees a beautiful woman and wants to get acquainted with he pays special attention to her fingers to be sure she is single, so it’s time to know some facts. In Ukraine and some other post Soviet countries already married women wear wedding rings on the ring finger of the RIGHT hand. So it’s not a reason to suppress a desire to start relations when you see a ring on her left hand. Besides our women love jewelry so much so they just lack fingers to put all their rings on ;))
2. DOZEN ROSES. It’s a top of romance to present a Western woman with dozen roses on a special occasion or without any occasion at all but your Ukrainian girlfriend will be confused as here we give ODD NUMBER of flowers to alive people and attend graves of those who already joined the majority with even number of flowers. It’s very important to keep in mind so if you are in love already and want to pamper your lady 12 flowers is not what will make her happy! So 7 or 9 are good and of course not 13 as it seems like an international bad luck number.
3. WEDDING CEREMONY. The official means of getting married in Ukraine is REGISTRY OFFICE, even when a couple is very religious they need to get papers of their marriage at this office and only then they can marry in church. So if you plan to get married to your woman in Ukraine you will need to attend this institution to be sure you and your lady are official husband and wife.
4. FAMILY. For centuries Ukrainian girls were taught since their childhood that one day they would GET MARRIED, have kids and care about their houses. It’s 21st century but this woman psychology hasn’t been changed. Yes Ukrainian ladies get higher education, become successful in their careers, fly to other countries but the desire to get married doesn’t disappear so they are happy only in case they have a man by their side. And it’s true they can combine housekeeping and job duties so well.
I hope this post was really helpful. It would be so unfair to lose your destiny because of such seeming to be insignificant things but it’s better to know these peculiarities and don’t explain her you just didn’t know about it before.
Sincerely, Marina
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