To Trotter
id: 201915
Good News, yes! Now if my Country will only follow suit all will be better in the world. I believe in faith in a man or his country until proven unworthy of that faith. This new development is a great example of that faith. I love Ukraine; she is so beautiful and to limit her citizens access to us, the way America has in the past, is not even fair. We, both countries, have the bad with the good and it will always be that way, I'm afraid. In fact on my last visit to Ukraine, I was robbed at knife point at that city's airport. I do not hold anything against Ukraine for that; it was only one smart but needy man wanting to feed his family. It's impossible for a man to face such an obstacle and do nothing about it and we all have these people and problems. We can not judge a country wholly by such actions of a few citizens though. That would never be fair and America has always touted her own sense of fairness and equality for all. God knows I hope we follow suit with a similar action for Ukraine and for Moldova too.
Thank you for reporting on this situation and the outcome! We can only hope it improves worldwide, yes? I know that is my hope! Thank you, again, Trotter.
Ray Moon.