Hello, everyone! Thank you for reading my blog!
Today I want to share my thoughts about the love search on the internet.
Most of men in the internet start their conversation with a very common phrase which sounds like: “How is your search here?” that’s why I have decided to share my answer with everyone.
Unfortunately a lot of men whom I met in the internet promised me to come and did not do it, they said me they loved me after the first letter, they wrote beautiful words but were not ready to act. Most of men REALLY want to find love but they are not ready to be RESPONSIBLE for a lady. It seems like men don’t realize when she comes to you and to your country, you will need to create all conditions for her comfortable life, and when I start to discuss it – I realize most of men are not ready for this.
That’s why I BEG YOU, please, before writing me a letter or start a chat, answer honestly to yourself such question as: What EXACTLY are you looking on this site? What do you expect to get from our communication? How do you imagine our REAL FUTURE together?
If you are interested in finding TRUE LOVE, your faithful wife, your real friend, your life partner and a soul mate - Welcome!
From my side I am serious in that I learn English, I develop my business which I can easily continue in your country, I am ready to move to other country.
If you are really serious in your search – I wish you GOOD LUCK! If you chat here just for fun (it is not bad btw to have pen pals – why not?!) – just Please DON’T make empty promises, DON’T break women’s hearts.
I wish everyone to love and to be loved!
With warm and hope in my heart. Mila
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