Once upon a time, King Arthur was caught by another king and imprisoned. Then that one another king decided to release him Arthur, if he will answer on one very difficult question. King Arthur was given a year to find the answer. Execution waited for Arthur if he would not find right answer. The question was: "What do women really want?"
King Arthur interrogated the entire female half of his kingdom for a year, and no one gave him an answer. Finally, he was told that an old witch could give him an answer, but price of it can be too high. The king had no choice; he went to her and asked what she wanted. She wanted to marry his best knight Gavain. The witch was horribly terrible, old, nasty and without any tooth.
Arthur said that he does not want to force his friend to do this and it will be better for him to die. However, Gavain said that Arthur's life is important to the whole kingdom and he agrees to marry an old nasty witch. After that, the witch answered Arthur's question.
She said that women most want to dispose their own lives.
After that Arthur's life was in safety, everyone was happy and it was time for the wedding. Knight Gavain was a real gentleman, while the witch behaved disgustingly during the wedding.
When the wedding night came, Gavain, reluctantly, went into the bedroom. Before his eyes lay the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He asked in surprise what had happened. The witch replied that in gratitude for a good attitude towards her, when she was terrible and disgusting, she agreed half the time to be a young and beautiful, and half the time an old witch. Then she said that he must choose whom she will be in the afternoon and whom at night. Gavain thought for a moment, what does he want more to spend time with a beauty in the daytime, and spend the nights with an old hag, or have a terrible witch in the daytime, and at night will be with beautiful wife? He decided to let her decide for herself. After she heard this, she said that she would always be beautiful, because he respects her and gives her the opportunity to control her own life.
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