Dear men, I’ve found this article specially for you. I am not trying to teach you just want to explain why Ukrainian ladies act like they act. I want you to understand us better, who we are and what are our main differences. This article will not answer all your questions but I hope it will at least help you in understanding us little bit more.))) So, the United States of America is a country of many cultures mixed in one. The main reason for this is immigration. It has many religions, many languages spoken, and many ethnic beliefs. Some religions, languages or beliefs, may be more frequently spoken or believed then others, but in general the United States has a wide variety of culture. On the other hand, Ukraine, which is a country much smaller than the United States, has basically one culture which is a unique culture all in its own. Ukrainians basically have one language, one religion, and one kind of belief system. In Ukraine, the official language of the country is Ukrainian. Most of the people in that country speak Ukrainian, but there are some that speak different languages. One language that is spoken a lot in Ukraine is Russian. The main reason for this is because, while Ukraine was part of the USSR before it split up Russian was a frequent language spoken by the majority of the people in the USSR. After the breakup of the USSR, Ukraine still had people speaking Russian. This is the reason why a lot of people know and speak Russian in Ukraine. As for the United States, there is no official language spoken. The majority of the people in the United States speak English, but since there is no official language, many languages are spoken. Some languages are Spanish, German, French, Italian, and even Ukrainian is spoken by people in the United States. The main reason why there are so many languages spoken is because of immigration.
Religion is another big difference between the United States and Ukraine. Ukraine is mainly made up of Christians. The majority of these Christians are either Ukrainian Orthodox or Ukrainian Catholics. These two subdivisions of religion are what a majority of the Ukrainians in Ukraine are. In the United States the majority are also Christians, but with a wide variety of other religions including Judaism, Buddhism, Chinese faiths, and others. But out of the Christians the main subdivision religious groups are Roman Catholics, Protestants, Lutherans, and Baptists. The sub-religions differ then what majority of Ukraine's religions are.
People's ethnic beliefs in the United States and Ukraine vary from one another. They vary from folk tale, to music, and traditions. In Ukraine folk tales are stories that use a lot of symbolism.
Ukrainian folk tales also have deeper meaning to them. A lot of folk tales are very old, being passed down from generation to generation. In the United States there are folk tales too. Many of them are non-symbolic, and while some are old, not as old as the folk tales in Ukraine.
Traditions are another belief that differs between the two countries. Ukrainians have many traditions that are not done in the United States by other non-Ukrainian residence in the United States. One thing that is different in traditions is the weddings. One thing Ukrainians do during weddings is that the parents of the bride and groom give bread and salt to the couple. The bread symbolizing wealth and the salt is for health. This plus many other traditions are ones followed by Ukrainians and not by Americans. But all in all, no matter how much these two countries, the Unites States and Ukraine, cultures differ, there is some of each culture in both countries.
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