Secrets of a good night's sleep
id: 10055543

Creating the perfect atmosphere
The first thing you need to do for a good night's sleep is to create the perfect conditions. I always keep my bedroom dark and quiet. Soft curtains or a sleep mask do a great job of this. And, of course, don't forget about an air freshener - a light lavender scent helps you relax and get ready for sleep!
The right daily routine
Try to go to bed and get up at the same time, even on weekends. This helps set your internal clock. When I stick to this routine, it's much easier for me to fall asleep. Although, who said that you shouldn't sometimes treat yourself and have a late "movie night"? 😉
No Screens Before Bed
I try to avoid screens an hour before bed. That means Netflix and Instagram have to wait until the morning! Instead, I read a book or just listen to relaxing music. It really helps calm my mind and prepare me for sleep.
Fun Bedtime Rituals
I love rituals, and I have a couple of fun ones! For example, I write in a journal where I describe the most memorable moments of the day, and sometimes I even write funny poems about my worries. This helps me “shake out” unnecessary thoughts from my head and switch to a positive one.
Physical Activity
Nothing helps more than physical activity! I try to exercise every day - it not only improves my physical fitness, but also helps me sleep better. The main thing is not to exercise right before bed, otherwise instead of sweet dreams, you can end up “dancing under the moon” in bed!
Tea Before Bed
A cup of herbal tea before bed is my favorite ritual. Chamomile or lemon balm tea helps you relax. And if you add a little honey, you get a real sleep elixir!
Sleep as a priority
And last but not least, treat sleep as an important part of your life. It is not just “lost time”, it is a time for recovery and rest. So if you feel like you need a rest, do not hesitate to put things off until later.
I hope my secrets will help you find your ideal way to cope with insomnia and enjoy quality sleep! How do you cope with insomnia? Share your ideas and tips in the comments!
With love and good dreams,
