Happy and friendly family is the main life support. If we want our family to be a fortress for us, keeping us from all worldly misfortunes, it is worthwhile to work hard.
In the family, everything cannot be done by instinct, guided only by your heart and feelings; you need to know at least a few basic rules. After much meditation, I was able to identify them. I offer you the three most important, fundamental forms. I hope you will appreciate them and agree with me.
1. First, if you are a family, then you are a team.
In a good team, the successes belong to the success, and failures are divided equally. So, rule one: the family is strong with integrity.
2. Secondly, the place of the head of the family is designed for one person.
Some family problems are a sign of time. Still, in the past family was more patriarchal. The fact that the keeper of the hearth is a woman, and the head of the family is a man, did not cause doubts. Nowadays there are more equality, women are coping well with male work, we have learned to be strong. And they forgot how to co-exist next to the leader, trust and support. But, it will be only beneficial for the family if "on the ship there will be one captain, not two."
3. Thirdly, if you want a strong family - all your problems should be discussed.
"Let him guess", "This should not be said" and other games in home telepathy - the best way to accumulate grievances and ruin your relationship. Usually, if a problem arises in the family, it is easily solved. It becomes almost insoluble, if it is not discussed. Therefore: talk about what you do not like, but do it with love.
These are the rules. They are enough to save your marriage, but not enough to make the family life truly joyful and happy.
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