Love is the most beautiful feeling on earth, given to people from above. Love is the most mysterious phenomenon in the emotional life of people. Love makes us commit rash acts: good and vice versa. A happy love inspires person, makes him able to soar above the earth.
Each of us saw a person in love, maybe he was on his place: how happy eyes of that person! They glitter like stars on a moonless night sky ... The walk becomes light and weightless, sometimes it seems, that behind the back of person, invisible, unfortunately, for others wings ... Everyone in love can open previously unknown abilities and talents. For one person it will be poetic gift, which woke up, the other one will take up brushes and paint masterpiece. Lovers want to shout to the whole world about their feelings. Their heart, soul and mind are too full of emotions to remain silent.
However, completely different feelings have those, who had the misfortune to experience a love disappointment or loss. Their hearts are bursting with pain and anguish. For them, life completely loses its meaning. For such people, the only question becomes: "Why should I have such a life if there is not someone close, whom I love more than anyone else in the world?” Thoughts about settling accounts with life more and more often visit the unfortunate. Nothing can bring him back to his old life. Only after some time the pain subsides, leaving a deep wound in the heart.
Perhaps later, people who have suffered a heart loss will be unable to give and respond to a bright feeling, fearing new blows of fate. They will talk about humanity in general; they will talk about love for him. However, all of these are just empty words...
Humanity in general, to my opinion, much easier to love than a specific person. This love does not require any daily confirmation, no matter what costs - material or spiritual. All humanity will not be able to make claims on trifles, will not argue and quarrel.
To my opinion, veritable love for humanity begins with a love for your loved ones, for those who surround you. May banal phrase "Love your neighbor" does not seem to us as something unreal and supernatural: great love begins with a small one.
Love is not just beautiful words. Love is a great work: daily, stubborn and sometimes even too heavy. If you have fallen in love with a person, you are obliged to take care of him, to be always near at the right time. At the time of marriage, lovers swear to be together "in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy" and it is not for nothing. Without mutual respect, without patience to each other, even the most passionate love cannot survive for many years.
It is very interesting that couples, who lived in marriage for 40-50 years, name as the main rules of happiness these qualities - patience, attention, respect. Of course, we cannot forget about responsibility for each other. It is very important to feel a reliable shoulder, which you can rely on in a difficult moment. I think many will agree that without all, which was told above, love is not possible.
Nevertheless, in order to learn all this, you must see in your man your "soul mate". It is necessary to learn how contain your emotions, if something irritates you in the beloved: it is better to say calmly him or her about it. Working on yourself is the hardest thing in love. However, here is important not to "bend over the stick": do not humble yourself, squat in front of a person. True love does not need such sacrifices.
Of course, it is easier not to start a serious relationship at all, if there is no desire to work. But, after years, looking back at your life and not finding anything worthwhile in it, your heart will hurt painfully for the days spent aimlessly. That is why wise people said: "Love is easy to acquire, but very difficult to keep ..."
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