By definition, risk defies common sense. While risk doesn't always make sense, and despite the fact that many people have a hard time managing the uncertainty that comes with risk-taking, risk does make life more interesting, more engaging and quite frankly, more exciting. And let's be honest, who doesn't enjoy a stir of excitement at least every once in a while? But does risk-taking make you happier?
We all have been taught our whole lives that risk is a bad, bad thing. Why? Perhaps because risk can lead to failure, and we tend to believe that failure itself is a bad thing. And why should we believe otherwise? Society labels people as either not-at-risk (good) or at-risk (bad). In fact, our brains are wired to be alert of risky situations (and for good reason). Thus, it seems quite paradoxical to include risk-taking as one of the primary behaviors that leads to the ‘good life’.
But despite its bad rap, risk-taking is essential to learning what your limits are, to growing as an individual and to cultivating a thriving life. Risk is something to be fully embraced and celebrated! Without taking risks, it's impossible to learn the skills that enable you to thrive in life, like learning to manage emotions in uncertain circumstances - which life is full of. Unfortunately, some people indulge in reckless risky habits like drunk driving and excessive gambling. That's not the kind of risk I'm advocating. Most of you, however, dream of taking risks wrapped in the package of a cross-country move, a new romance, a bold career change or an exciting adventure like traveling to far and exotic places. And that's the kind of risks I'm talking about!
According to some researchers, risk-taking is a part of self-improvement and that it’s part of a ‘wider discourse’ of personal growth, providing an opportunity to escape the mundane and even offers a sense of excitement through self-actualization. So, will risk-taking make you happier? In light of the research on risk and my plethora of personal risk-taking ventures, I'd bet the pot on "yes". Few people ever look back on their lives and wish they had taken less risks. Indeed, life's too short to risk living too comfortably.
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