Hi everybody who has a minute for reading my blog right now! First of all, I would like to thank you for the attention and secondly, be ready for something interesting.
I should not be a philosopher or psychologist to be able to talk about common problems here. It is enough to be a usual woman who can analyze and watch from the sidelines. So, this time I managed to recognize one tendency. And that is the tendency of our lovely men.
Usually we, women are very strait. Often we are impatient and we want to make all what we want to happen just in a second. That is just our nature and maybe there is no hope that it will ever change. Our men have just two variants what to do….obviously…to do or not to do that something his woman wants. How fast it will be…that is another question and theme which demands much of our time for a discussion) So..imagine that you…as a couple have a vacation. And a woman asks her man if they go somewhere…and he agrees and claims why not…But then it is becoming clear that he has no means and he secretly asks for help from his friends…then it is becoming clear that he has no time too. And at the end, you just stay where you are without any vacation….because a man was sure in his abilities to arrange everything and solve all problems and woman just trusted him. That is going to be a small disappointment for this couple….or not even small…depends on the characters…And there 're a lot of examples, I can write when a man is sure that he would manage to do something…and nothing…Would not be better to tell in the beginning…”Dear, I just can’t do that now. Let’s wait… I will do my best but I can’t promise.” Or that humiliates our men? I don’t know…but there should be a reason for such behavior. And I am sure that knowing the reason we can solve the problem and just be happy) What do yo think my dears?)) I would be really glad to hear your honest thoughts ;))
Again thank you for the attention. Wish you all sunny day with no rains and clouds! My hugs ;)
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