Hasten to share with you...Men, what do think, mm?)
id: 10036169
Hello! Ladies and gentlemen, a real outlet for me is the world of art ...From the very beginning i must say that this writing is dedicated to the people who can, fantazy, reflect and is ready for something new in his life.. I hasten to share with you the very inspiring creativity of Hong Wai! For those who are not lazy to find out about him a bit information, and already saw, I must say, the author of these works by fascinating - a woman ... I can not imagine HOW she can so clearly convey human individuality, not portraying him! This is actually a good food for thought ... If think about it, all the people under his clothes naked, but what is put on us, defines us in the eyes of others. It seems to me that men follow this principle much more often than women;) To avoid the embarrassment of translation, I will immediately clarify: For man is much more important in what a woman is dressed to, who attracts him, but the woman notices the man in the crowd by other indicators;) I think it's obvious how Famous brands like Victoria's Secret and Agent Provocateurwere full of fortune :) But back to the creativity of Hong Wai ... How much I would not look at each of the works, I desperately want to "recognize" in these silhouettes and the outlines myself ... But if with the amount "stuffing" of the aesthetic candy nature I was not offended, then over a decent "wrapper" still need to work ... Men, what do think, mm? You would be nice to look at lady of your heart in this garment? I hope that this makes someone think about something. Just wanted to show you that i am a woman who you can share different topics, not only a bed. :)
