Love to the extreme middle.
id: 10055132

To make you aware of how important it is to take care of your child means to show respect for every living thing that departs from us.
Our skin is a product of both conservation and destruction of nature. We can reverse how we will rely on the resources that the planet gives us. Small things that seem insignificant at first glance - for example, sorting laundry, changing the use of plastic, choosing environmentally friendly products - create a great influx if they cost a lot of people.
Let us think: clean winds, crystal rivers, foxes that give shelter to hundreds of species of creatures, fields that give birth to us - all this will require our love and turbot. If we want to deprive this world of pure and rich things for our children, we can start today, start for ourselves.
Love to nature is not only a desire for excessive middle-classness, but a love for future generations. Let us be aware and confident that it is our choice that we will deprive ourselves of green forests, clean oceans and native lands. Let's take care of what we can, so that we can live in harmony with nature, as we so generously share our gifts with us.
