Response to -Sexy-Pill
id: 296704
Most men fear rejection, that's why most of us are waiting for the woman to make the first move because we will then know that she is interested in us and we can then take it from there. It's not a nice feeling to be turned down by a beautiful woman, it makes you feel as though you're willing for the earth to open up and swallow you. So, women, if we don't make the first move is that we are waiting for you to choose us. Once you choose us, then we know that it's safe to pursue you and the only chance of rejection is if we don't measure up to your expectations.

About women earning, I don't see anything wrong with that, for it is said that "many hands make the work lighter." It means that if we are both working, it helps us to achieve our goals faster. Several decades ago, the husband was the sole bread-winner, while the wife stayed at home to mind the kids and keep house. But in those days things were really cheap and manageable, but in these modern times it's a hustle and a struggle to get there, so, it's ok for the wife to be working too. With good love, respect and understanding, there should be no conflicts, especially if the wife is making more than the husband. So, life is what it is, people are what they are, we just have to know how to get around things.
