Advice for tired women from Maria: how to survive and even smile.
id: 10052353

Go to "deep freeze" mode
When life begins to resemble a Latin American soap opera with drama on every corner, try a simple technique: freeze. The children are screaming, the husband is asking something, and the cat brazenly stole a sausage from the plate? Freeze. Take a deep breath, imagine yourself as an ice queen and say with a majestic look: "Now, my dears, I will decide everything." Of course, you will decide later, but you will look amazing!
Master the art of sneaky snacking
Never underestimate the power of a chocolate bar hidden from your family. Honestly, sometimes a piece of something sweet in the bathroom (yes, I know, you hide there too) works better than any psychologist. In extreme cases, put a cup of tea on the cabinet - the kids can't reach it.
Stop being "Superwoman"
You don't have to decide EVERYTHING. Let your husband finally find the TV remote himself (he sits on it). Let the kids pack their schoolbags themselves. Yes, the textbooks may be in the refrigerator, but this is their adventure.
Start a conversation with the mirror
In the morning, go to the mirror, look at your reflection and say: "Well, hello, beautiful! We're going to tear everyone apart today!" Even if the only battle of the day is the line at the store, still feel like a heroine.
Chaos is normal
A mountain of dirty dishes in the sink? Who does it bother? Remind yourself that a home is not a museum. If none of your guests complained about tripping over a toy dinosaur, then you have everything under control.
Plan your vacation for real
There is no need to put off your vacation “for later,” when “everything is ready.” Believe me, “later” will not come. But five minutes on the couch with a book or dancing to your favorite song in the middle of the kitchen can work wonders.
And finally, the main thing. A woman who is tired but smiling is simply a masterpiece. So don’t forget: you are not only “someone’s someone,” but also simply an amazing you. Now run, hide from everyone for ten minutes and drink something delicious.
With love and slight fatigue,
Maria .
