Everybody knows, that boys are big fans of morning sex, but not all the girls can share their enthusiasm. I decided to weigh all the pros and cons of it .
I think,that it is a great opportunity for a "lazy" sex. Morning is not the time for acrobatic stunts in bed . When you are both just awake, you can gently and slowly move from the sleeping pose of "spoons" to "sexual." Without much strain, you and your boyfriend will enjoy it and go to work in high spirits. But the problem can be in a morning breathing.
Well, you can not jump out of bed and rush into the bathroom to brush your teeth ,because the moment will be missed and the mood will be gone.
You can correct the situation by putting some mint candies on the bedside table or having sex in the above "spoons" position.
I am almost sure ,that after such a sweet beginning of the day , he will most likely make you breakfast.
Usually men are so absorbed in the idea of morning sex that they are ready to take care of you after it, if you, of course, agreed !
At least you can count on a cup of coffee in bed, but the chances of eggs and bacon and croissant with orange fresh are also great.
But some girls don't feel themseleves too sexy in the morning . On your face there is not a drop of makeup, your hair is like a crow's nest and you think: "How can he want me now?".
Nevertheless, you seem so natural, sweet and sooo sexy to your man, for which you undoubtedly need to thank the morning surge of his male hormones.
I think, that the great plus of morning sex , that this sex will be quick !
There is an opinion that we girls always want many hours of sex and do not agree to less.It is not so, sometimes we also want to "do it in a quick way." Morning sex does not involve long courtship, because you both need to take a shower, have breakfast and get to work. In this case, rush can be a very exciting thing ! Don't you think ?
It seems to me , that it is one of the eternal mysteries. When a couple is at the very beginning of their relations , any time and even a place is suitable for making love. But after a rather short time of harmony she feels the desire only at night, but he- in the morning. Most likely it will not come to her mind to caress him while he is shaving. And he often wants to pounce on her from behind, while she hastily paints her eyelashes. In other words, the conflict is brewing.
Depending on their daily biorhythms, most people refer themselves to either larks or owls. And if the "lark" and "owl" are married , it is not surprising that their desires do not coincide . There are many other factors that affect sexuality very much - stress, tiredness, the presence of children . Unfortunately, all this affects not in the the best way.
If a woman had to get up to a weeping child many times during the night, while her beloved husband was sleeping sweetly until the morning,it is not surprising that his morning erection will not cause anything but his wife's gape ? I think, loving people will always find compromise !
At the end I want to give you some advices.
- Never give up the opportunity to feel yourself desired and loved.
- Making love in the morning is the best start of the day. Both of you will be full of strength and energy.
- "Let love be in the air !" If you start your morning with making love , be ready that this energy of love and romance will span you the whole day, attracting people to you !
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