Re: What does a Life Cost?
id: 52112
I am sorry to hear of your friend's dilemma and the issues she is having with her daughter. In Canada we pay taxes so that we do not have to pay for such health needs. Children have their own hospitals here and there are even organizations that help parents who cannot afford accommodations while their children are receiving treatment in hospitals away from home. Life and health are important and so therefore we do our utmost to see that healthcare is available when needed. We also have organ donor registries so that when an organ comes available, those that need it can be informed and then rushed to a local hospital and receive a transplant.
We also have good education here and our secondary school system is second to none in the world. We have a vast array of international students who come here because of that.
Are we perfect? no we are not but I am proud to say that I live in one of the best countries in the world, where freedom to do many things is something we care about. Sometimes I believe we take things a little too easy and rush into things but overall we are good. Just not sure why it is so hard for people from Ukraine to come here while we accept refugees from other war torn countries more readily.
I know this doesn't help your friends situation but because I am a proud Canadian, I thought I would say this. I also believe that there are organizations in our country that would even help your friend with her problem as it is. Thanks for reading my blog