Hello, dear readers! I am writing about why young girls choose older men.
In any case, the recent relationship with an older man is no surprise, and it's not even uncommon, but rather the trend!
Psychologists have long said that there are women three types of mother, daughter and wife (woman).
1. Mother – a woman who unconsciously wants to be the leader in the relationship, to care for the partner and to solve all the issues for him.
2. The daughter will never be a leader in relations, and her main desire in a relationship — to feel comfort and protection, hoping that it will be like a stone wall, and that he will help her to solve all the problems ( if they arise)
3.Wife – female, self-sufficient enough to shift the solution of all problems for a man and not to solve them for him. Seeks to develop equal relationships where both partners are willing to take responsibility for the relationship.
It is important to honestly recognize who you are from these three types of women!
After, look for the right man of appropriate age!
Down with stereotypes!
Relationship with an older man, especially if the age difference is very noticeable, often causing negative public conversations!
Actually, not so bad, filter minded ladies, jealous "girlfriends" and "friends"! If your family is against it, you should explain that you are all serious! And it's not a game! You are together , you love each other ! I finally came to the conclusion that a relationship with a man older than themselves — our conscious choice which meets all our needs!
Why girls like men older than them?!
A woman chooses a man much older because of the need for protection, support, patronage.
Obviously, this type of female "daughter" who in adulthood still feels like a child, weak and defenseless. Perhaps the feeling of insecurity is born in childhood, especially if the family didn't have a father. "little girl" looks for in a man is a powerful image — the image of the father. Thus, the older a person is the fact it attracts her attention!
Or maybe it's just so well-developed woman that has long defined goals aspirations in life. This woman knows exactly what she wants! Now gets satisfaction only from a relationship with a man older than themselves!
Older man, younger girl: who is he?
He has a job that brings him an income to feed not only himself but also his woman, and probably kids!
A certain circle of friends, quite certain habits and needs. In short, wherever you look – everywhere stability.
Pros : to be with a man older than themselves
1.Experience: his experience can help you decide on your goals in life, if you still need. Sexual experience, of course, also important
2.Experience of relationship. Select this even in a separate paragraph! He had a family/just a serious relationship (perhaps he already has children), they broke up, and intelligent man, of course, will try not to repeat mistakes, will be more appreciative of all that he has!
3.Confidence in the future!
4.The lack of fear in life, because your problem will always solve or, at least, will help you decide!
5.Great experience men allows a woman to obtain advice in a difficult situation. Often in such families the man is the real friend for his wife, on whom she can always rely on.
6.Older man, younger girl is not only a great experience but experience with other women. He knows how to please a woman. Usually men are very beautifully looked after, often give expensive gifts and flowers. Sometimes it seems that men over can read your mind!
7. Usually they are looking for long term relationship
Older men appreciate a serious relationship. Long-term relationships much better than something vague, and Mature, wise people know this like no other.
The terrible truth is that a woman needs first of all a man. And attributes of a real man is everything that is listed in this list. We're not talking, of course, that boys are not people, but there is a difference in how they ripen from the point of view of women, compared with men older and more experienced. There are, of course, happy exceptions, and among young men, but we know that exceptions only prove the rule.
Sometimes you just have to fall in love
It is actually possible to fall in love with anyone, and age is not the determining factor. Love, as they say, for all ages!
Relationship is relationship! Love is love! There's nothing you can do about it!
On the question of why girls like older men, the answer is obvious. A woman wants to feel protected and loved, a Mature man can give her what she wants! Thanks to all who wailed! I wish you all a mutual love!
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