Is it possible to keep the passion in relation forever between partners? I think, it's a quite popular question nowadays. And I know the answer! Yes, it is possible. Some months ago my best friend and her boyfriend finished their relationship. Actually, I could not believe in it, they seemed to me the couple from Hollywood the same as Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt but when my friend came to me and told me that she stopped to feel the happiness and inspiration from their relation, I was surprised. I saw how her boyfriend loved her and sincerely tried to show his true feelings. The reason of their parting was very banal, they lost passion that was with them during all time of building their relation. I started to think how to avoid it in relationship because each of us here to find the real love and we dream about not boring relationship! Yes, when we are at the beginning of our long way with our partner, everything seems to us in the bright colors, we don t focus on daily routine, we just enjoy this life together. But in some time, we feel that our days become not so colorful, you know each other well now, you know what he or she likes, you know at what time you wake up and when she asks you to make coffee for her. Where is passion? I know the ways to keep it! First is free space. Relation will not seem wonderful if you don t leave each other even for minute. The second are your interests. Try to add something new in your daily life. If you together like camping on weekends, why don t you want to try dancing under the stars? The third is your tradition in relationship. Let to be Friday the day of the cinema or wake up with the cute text on your phone from your partner. The last point calles BE AT ONE, it means to share the interests of your partner. If one of you wants to have a party, and another one wants to be near the computer, you can hardly find the solution of this problem. Try to agree with today`s plans of your beloved one and next time you will win. Because it s impossible to build the love alone.. I hope, my blog will be useful to you and you ll not lose the feeling of being inspired by your partner forever!
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