A girl needs a father at any age…
id: 10033192
Today I was reading again my favorite Charles Dicken’s novel – “Dombey and son”. In this novel such questions that concern me are touched – the relationships between a father and a daughter. I always identify myself with Florence – my father wasn’t a good father to me. He was concentrated on his work and almost didn’t spend time with me. I so wanted and needed a father’s presence in my life. I always thought of father like of a person who will teach me how to act with a man. How to be a woman with a man. I have a daughter and my dream is to find such a man who can be that man in her life whom she can call “a father”. She needs father because only relationship “father-daughter” can form in her character such characteristics, as: - Feeling of her femininity. On this feeling her attractiveness and mother feelings are based. It’s easy to notice that even a 3 years old girl behaves different with a mother and a father – she knows how to flirt with him to take what she wants)) - Confidence in herself and in her appearance. Father should more often kiss and hold his daughter! And what is more important – to tell her how he loves her! I didn’t have it with my father and I feel myself like “not kissed and not loved in full amount”. Maybe you will compensate it too? )) - And the last reason – communication with father helps a girl better to cope up with stresses and hard life situations. How does it work – a girl observes the relationship between parents and learns how to find compromises and to find the way out from conflicts. So my belief that a girl needs a father. At any age. I still need him. But time has gone. With a father. But not with a future husband. The place is still vacant)) Natalya