Hello my dear readers. As you can guess from the title of my blog here I would like to talk about real men. I will take responsibility to make public the lady’s position as I have a great experience for my life listening to such ideas from wives and single women. Of course, there is no agreement of opinion, but there is a certain myth about the qualities of a real man, to whom ladies go crazy for.
So, here are some rules for men how to become real for women:
Make a woman happy despite everything. In other words, a man should be happy, first of all, because his woman is happy. You understand what I mean – women are first :)))
A real man should never be rude, insulting, screaming. No need to splash out negative emotions on your lady.
A man must solve all the problems of his lady. Man should follow the quote “Your problems are my problems and my problems are not your problems”.
All these rules can be continued endlessly, but the main one remains really old and banal. A man should love his woman and she must be on the first place for him, in any situation, no matter what. A lady should feel this attitude towards her, that she is loved and treated. If someone of you, my dear readers, representatives of the strong half of humanity take on board at least one my advice you will see how your lady (or your future lady) will treat you and how your relationships will change for the better. Dear men, act for ladies, gain our hearts, spoil us with pleasant surprises and you will become real for us.
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