Let's make a new year's magic candle that makes wishes come true.
id: 10052353

What we need:
Wax or paraffin - you can use old candles.
Wick - a ready-made wick or thick cotton thread.
Candle mold - a glass jar, silicone mold or even a cardboard cup.
Essential oils - for aroma (for example, cinnamon, orange, spruce).
Dyes - food or special for candles.
Decoration - glitter, dried flowers, cinnamon sticks, pieces of dried orange.
Gold or silver pen - for writing a wish.
Sheet of paper.
How to make a candle:
Preparing the wish
Write your wish on a small piece of paper. State it clearly and positively, such as: “I am happy in the new year” or “My dream of traveling has come true.” Roll the paper into a tube and secure it with a thin thread.
Preparing the mold
Place the wick in the center of the mold, securing it on top with a wooden skewer or pencil so that it stands straight.
Melting the wax
Melt the wax or paraffin in a double boiler. Add coloring and a few drops of essential oil. Stir until the mixture is uniform.
Adding magic
Place the folded paper with the wish on the bottom of the mold. Pour in a little wax to fix it and let it harden.
Pouring the candle
Add decorations to the mold: glitter, dried flowers, cinnamon sticks. Then pour in the remaining wax, leaving a little space to the edge. Let the candle harden completely (this will take several hours).
Finishing touches
Carefully remove the candle from the mold (if possible) or leave it in the jar. If desired, decorate it with ribbons, stickers or painting.
How to use a candle to fulfill wishes:
Light the candle on New Year's Eve, in silence or to the sounds of your favorite music.
Look at the flame and visualize your wish as if it has already come true.
Thank the universe for its help and believe that everything will work out!
Such a candle will be a great gift for loved ones or a symbol of your dreams. Let it warm your home with its light and bring miracles into your life!
With love, Maria.
