Re: Blog by Flawless
id: 296704
Greetings, my beautiful friend. I must first compliment you on your great beauty and hope that you are successful par excellence on this site. If you believe in the Bible and you have read it, it says, in the 2nd chapter of Genesis, that God saw that Adam (the first man) was lonely, after all the other animals were paired. So God decided that he will make a "help-mate" for Adam, someone for him to relate to, as his other half. So God, the Bible says, put Adam in a deep sleep, then He (God) opened his side and took out one of his ribs and then sealed it back. With that rib from Adam, the bible says, God made a woman and brought her before Adam to see what he would name her. Adam, seeing her, declared, "This is now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh, she shall be called, "woman" and her name shall be Eve."

From since then, man cannot survive without a woman in his life and vice versa. Woman is a means of populating the earth, because if there were no women, the world would have been at a standstill because the man could not do it by himself. So, a man looks for a wife and a woman for a husband, because it's their desire to start a family. In ancient times, marriages were arranged by parents of both parties. Sometimes a person would end up with someone he/she don't really like, but the parents said so and it had to be so.

Now, we are living in modern times, where we meet people on our own, fall in love and get married. Love is the main ingredient in happy marriages. Love is an intense feeling in that, if, say, myself and partner were starving and we only had half a loaf of bread between us, I would prefer her to have it so that she will live. That is true love. Love is not selfish, love is patient, love is longsuffering, love is kind, love is blind. People who find love are the happiest people in the world. Love is sometimes instantaneous, but, mostly, love is earned. Have a great day and, if you have found your love then "ride off into the sunset", if not, then happy searching.
