To win the heart of a woman, and in the future to create a strong and united family, you must rely not only on emotions and heart. You will need a small theoretical information box.
Understand how the woman is made up.
Understand how they think and know what they want from you.
I would like to advise a few books that I recently met and in which discovered a lot of interesting things for me.
This books very well reveal male and female psychology.
Most importantly, they are written in an understandable and very accessible language.
Thanks to them, you will quickly be able to understand yourself and your chosen one, understanding her and her inner world. It is suitable for any category of men, both Russian and foreign.
You will understand everything very quickly and understand it.
Here they are:
Gray John "Men from Mars. Women from Venus »
Steve Harvey "Do as a woman, think like a man"
Helen Andeline "Charm of femininity"
Steve Harvey "You do not know anything about men"
And if you have any questions, then welcome, I'm happy to tell you everything.
And this applies to all.
Enjoy reading!
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