Fortune-telling on christmastide: secrets, traditions and a bit of magic.
id: 10052353

Why is Christmastide a time for fortune-telling?
It was believed that on Christmastide the sky itself opens up for miracles. People believed that on these days you can get answers to questions about love, luck, health, and even find out the name of your betrothed.
Along with the joy of Christmas and the anticipation of Epiphany, fortune telling became part of the holiday - both a way to lift the curtain on the future and simply an opportunity to have fun.
Popular methods of fortune telling on Christmastide
Fortune telling on the betrothed
One of the most famous Christmastide fortune telling. Girls took a mirror, lit a candle and tried to discern the face of their future chosen one in the reflection. This fortune telling was considered very serious: it was carried out in complete silence and only alone.
Fortune telling on wax
This method remains popular to this day. Melted wax is poured into a bowl of cold water, and then the resulting figures are examined. A horse can mean a journey, a ring - a quick wedding, and a flower - a new romantic relationship.
Fortune telling with a boot
Another fun tradition. Girls took off their boot and threw it over their shoulder. The direction of the toe showed where the groom would come from.
Fortune telling on a ring
This fortune telling is ideal for a company. A gold ring is carefully lowered into a glass of water, making a wish. If you look closely, you can see a hint in the reflection: a silhouette or a symbol of the future.
Fortune telling on books
A classic for those who love words. Take a book (usually poetry or classics), guess the page number and lines. Interpret what you read as advice or a prediction.
Fortune telling on threads
For this fortune telling, you need threads of different colors. Each color symbolizes a certain wish. The threads are hidden under the pillow, and in the morning you pull one out - this is how you will find out what will come true in the new year.
How to tell fortunes on Christmastide?
Create an atmosphere. Light candles, turn off the bright lights and tune in to a calm, slightly mysterious mood.
Listen to your heart. Fortune telling is not only symbols and signs, but also intuition. Trust your feelings.
Do not take it seriously. Christmastide is a time of joy, so don't worry if the prediction is unexpected or strange.
Christmastide Today: Magic for the Soul
Although the tradition of fortune telling goes back hundreds of years, today it is more of a way to feel connected to culture, family, and yourself. Fortune telling on Christmastide is an opportunity to dream, make wishes, and remember that miracles are always near. With love and warmth, Maria.
