Instructions for eating an orange with humor.
id: 10055543

Preparing the area
Before you begin, look around. If you are at home, arm yourself with a plate, napkins and patience. If you are visiting, make sure that your orange performance will not be perceived as a challenge to the cleanliness of the host's table. An orange is a fruit that can leave traces in history and on the tablecloth.
Choice of weapon
Peeling an orange is not like gnawing an apple. Here you need an approach. Some choose a knife, others trust their nails. The main thing is not to forget that you will have to wash your nails later. And the best thing is to find someone who will clean them for you. In extreme cases, call a child: they consider it a fun game.
Peeling technique
Don't try to peel the whole thing at once, otherwise you risk creating a mini-citrus storm. Start with a small crack, gradually releasing the segments. It's like solving an orange puzzle. If you're lucky, the peel will come off perfectly, like in an ad. If not, just accept it and continue.
Be careful with splashes
Orange juice is a dangerous weapon of mass destruction. It can get into your eyes, on your clothes, or on your neighbor. So keep a safe distance and try not to squeeze the segment too much. We eat culturally, not like a juicer on maximum settings.
Absorption culture
If you eat the segments one by one, you are a true aesthete. If you swallow them whole, you are a real practitioner. And if you chew the peel, you are probably too tired of life and it's time for a vacation.
What to do with the seeds?
The seeds are an eternal surprise from the orange. You can spit them out carefully on a plate or collect them in a napkin. The main thing is not to try to quietly pull them out of your mouth with your hand. This trick is rarely performed gracefully.
The final stage
After the orange is eaten, it's time for reflection. Go wash your hands, admire how the bright taste has improved your day, and think: should I peel another one?
So, enjoy the oranges and remember: even if you splashed everyone around with juice, the main thing is the joy of taste and aromatic mood. Nadya.
