Dedicated to Olga
id: 296704
I was invited to this site through a message in my email from someone I never knew. I decided, for the fun of it, to check it out and, boy, am I glad that I did!! I was very surprised by the many letters that I received from ladies all over Ukraine and Russia and I thought, "Wow!! Am I really attracting all those beautiful ladies?" I'm now having 627 letters in my inbox. I never, for one moment thought that it would have been like that. However, I cannot afford to answer 627 letters, so I isolated a few who I thought sounded real good and piqued my interest.

There is a very special lady that I'm completely drawn to because she seem quite sincere. A very sweet lady who writes me words of genuine love. I salute you, Olga, and assure you that all of your feelings are reciprocated. I am very pleased with you and, even though all of us have some kind of faults, I haven't seen any in you. To me, you are the perfect partner for me, on the sea of life, when we are cresting the waves or even plunging in the valleys. You are a wholesome and good woman and I love you very much. To all the negative people who might think, "How can he love someone he's never met." But loving from a distance is very much a reality. There are pictures and you can feel the "vibes" in the style of writing and what is written.

How some of us feel that we are in love with some film stars, but have never really met them? It's the same way we can love people we have met on this site because, with God's help, the prospects of our real meeting are very real indeed. Halleluia!! I've found my love at last and I'll be doing everything possible for our meeting and our journey in life together. Thanks to the Admin of this site for setting up such a system whereby lonely people can meet and eventually find their better halves. Lady Olga, God bless you. I'm overjoyed to have met you and am looking forward to the day when we shall meet in reality because meet we must. Love you from here to eternity.
