When you stop worrying about others' opinions: goodbye, anxiety!
id: 10053756


If I'd known how life would change when you stop worrying about what others think, I probably would have long ago taken off this heavy backpack of stereotypes and expectations. But I, like many of us, have had my share of bumps and bruises. And these bumps turned out to be literally useful - now, going through the usual hustle and bustle of everyday worries, I clearly understand: with age comes an amazing calm. I no longer want (and, frankly, cannot) seek approval. After all, no one else is judging my life, right?

Signs: how to understand that it's time to let go of other people's assessments

Think about how many times a day you look at your phone, checking notifications. I remember how from time to time I worried about not getting a like under a post in or that I was not invited to the next event. Once I was on the side, I asked myself several times: "Why is this so important?" And you know what? The answer was simple - none of this matters at all if you don't live for it. We often waste energy on justifying other people's expectations and hiding our emotions. The process of self-improvement is not connected with this!

Let me give you an example. When I was about 20 years old, I always doubted myself, discussing the choice of clothes before going out in society. We all want to be "not like everyone else", but the paradox is that when we want it too much, we begin to adapt to the opinion of the environment. Time passed, and suddenly it turned out that I really would not be appreciated by the person who would put a strange mark, but on the contrary - by the one who accepted my look without judgment. For me, this was a turning point.

Life in reality without a sense of duty

When you have more than one attempt to prove something - to yourself or others - behind you, a clear feeling appears: it is easier to breathe from something. I am no longer bothered by conversations at work, unnecessary wishes from relatives or incorrect interpretations on a dating site. The more you become yourself, the easier it is to find inner harmony, and everything around you calms down.

I decided not to open the letter because I could not find the strength to answer the request right away. When my friend Vika began to look at me questioningly, like, why didn’t we take the brand new car, I understood - with this example she was again trying to remind me: “you deserve it”. But it has finally become a habit to talk about my choice without embarrassment. What others say no longer bothers me. I make a choice for myself, because it will be truly important only in my life.

Conclusion: peace comes when you let go of everything

With age, with a new approach, you catch all the nuances - things that used to scare you are not so terrible now. I don’t care at all that people consider my decisions unconventional or that I am late, looking into 5 stores in a row for a culinary thing. I have learned to live for myself. The most amazing thing: there is no selfishness in this! It’s as if you put yourself first and create a harmonious life for yourself, where there are no other people’s likes or conversations. An amazing effect: by letting go of fear and worries about someone’s opinion, you find a very strange, but true way to cope with difficult situations and live in peace with yourself.


