From heroes to cowardly introverts?
id: 10039245

The modern world has experienced many transformations, and one of the most significant is the emancipation of women. This phenomenon has given society a lot of positive changes: women have gained freedom of choice, the right to education, career and self-determination.
But how have these changes affected men?

It seems that instead of becoming stronger and adapting to new conditions, many men have lost confidence and the ability to communicate in real life.
Why are men afraid of real communication?
Previously, the male role in society was clearly defined. The man was the breadwinner, the protector, the leader. Today, these roles are blurred. The modern woman does not need saving, she can take care of herself and often earns much more than a man. This has put men in an unusual situation. Instead of looking for a new way of interaction, many have chosen the path of least resistance - to withdraw into themselves or go into virtual reality.
The problem is exacerbated by the influence of digital technology. Dating apps, social networks and instant messengers have made communication convenient but impersonal. Where previously it was necessary to muster up the courage to approach a girl in a cafe, now it is enough to send a message. But for some men even this is difficult - they prefer to hide behind photos of their genitals or simply sending their contacts.
Where is the root of the problem?
The "fear of rejection" syndrome
Men are used to being afraid of rejection, but in the past it was an incentive to develop themselves and learn to understand women. Now they choose the path of avoidance. It is easier to send a photo than to hear "no".
Laziness and infantilism
Modern culture is replete with images of men who do not take responsibility. Why try if you can live without making an effort?
Gender role imbalance
Emancipation created strong and independent women, but did not offer men a clear alternative to their previous roles. This caused confusion and uncertainty.
What to do? Learn to communicate
Real communication cannot be replaced by likes and emoticons. Try to start a conversation by being interested in the interlocutor, and not by demonstrating your ego.
Set goals and develop
Confident men have always attracted women. Play sports, self-educate, find a hobby that inspires.
Accept rejection
Rejection is not the end of the world, but a part of life. The sooner a man understands this, the easier it will be for him to build relationships.
Free yourself from stereotypes
Being strong is not only lifting weights, but also being able to listen, support, and admit your mistakes.
Emancipation did not make men indecisive - they themselves chose this reaction to changes in society. However, this does not mean that the situation is hopeless. Everyone can become better and bolder, you just have to take the first step. The world needs confident, conscious and respectful men who are ready for an equal dialogue with women.
