Lets Talk about Letters.....
id: 11773
Letter ,letters and more letters.Everyone likes to recieve a letter,it makes us feel special and wanted.To the many Ladies here that took the time to write them,thank you very much.As for me,I'm not much of a writer,in fact only four letters have been sent out by me(i have my reasons that I will not go into)Now every letter sent to me is read and some are more sincere than others.Some letters have been heartfuly wrote,while others made me laugh as I saw there sence of humor,then some just made me upset and didn't want to know this woman.Men and Woman we need to remember that the letters we send are impressions of ourselves and present how we will be viwed by the other.In many letters woman write, men are not seriouse and want to look at pictures but when your half naked what man isn't going to look at your body.Men ,when you meet a lady,don't tell her how much you want to ravage her body and what you would do to her.What is so hard here on this site is the double standard and as a man it makes it hard to find a seriouse woman.I give you example.Six out of the Ten letters to me ask me to chat with them,they wear something sexy tight,we will have a fun chat.These woman,sorry you won't here from this man.A seriouse man is interested in your mind and thinking process,We have seen your picture in a profile,We see your curvey body.Also Ladies don't send out a previouse writen letter to another man.TODAY A LETTER came to me saying,I'm afraid to come to you cause you might be differant in person and you might put me to the street,then what will I do,I'm stranded in another country.This woman I never sent a letter or talked to.Two things happened here 1.She sent the letter to wrong man on accident. 2.She sent out a pre-written letter to annonamouse man whom she has wrote four letters to,none have I responded to.This is why I preffer to chat in person and not letters.SO LETS ALL BE CAREFULL when corresponding with each other ,please be kind,respectfull and pay attention to whom we write letters to.Men have you read IMMIGRATION LAWS on MARRIAGE are you being HONEST and SERIOUSE with the Ladies.Woman are you looking for love or playing games with men,wanting adult attention,interested in getting money from men. please don't hate me ,this post comes from the it again...