This writing is not for ladies as they may not support my point..
I have not been surprised for a long time, and even got used to the fact that women constantly complain about men. They are "weak, infantile, pampered, irresponsible, touchy," etc., etc., etc. But recently the ladies have also become displeased with the fact that men ... are more crying. But why women are so judging? :( They need to support men but not kill them with jedgements!! Did you know that according to statistics, every second adult person cries when no one sees him/her. OKAY! release your emotions! Let him cry. He's alive! And, therefore, external stimuli cause in him ordinary human reactions, sometimes very strong. I think that men and women almost equally experience different emotions. But women often openly express them. We were just lucky. In society, from time immemorial, it is accepted that "boys do not cry." They are not allowed, otherwise "not a man!". And girls have the right to shed tears, complain, faint and use a lot of stress management tools, forbidden for men. In my opinion, this is unfair. "Statistics" on the life expectancy of men and women are cited, the indicators are serious in favor of the "weaker sex". Women can afford to be weak, express emotions, cry alone, someone on the chest and publicly, come for help, accept support and sympathy - in general, do all that is good for health ... and shameful for men. It turns out, it's embarrassing for men to do something useful for their health. You can still forbid them to wash, eat vegetables and fruits - so they do not become obese!
Have youever been thinking that there are many situations where male tears are not a manifestation of weakness? But, on the contrary, of wisdom and depth. Moreover, in some exceptional cases (grief, loss, failure, a won victory, severe stress), it is simply necessary to cry to a man.
Men just need support, sympathy and understanding. I assure you, the main sobbing, they are still reserved for a lonely evening with a glass of strong drink... i am here to give this all to my man!!!!!!!
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