RE: Everything has its price
id: 264099
Dear Yulia,
I'm going to be extremely frank.
Young man's lives do not have the resources to marry a foreign wife. In most cases many of them live with parents, roommates, or in very inexpensive place to live. They do not possess the income or support of their family for this.
So many younger women even here in the US are going after mature men now.
Yes it's easier for me to date a woman from 23-30 years old. Than it is to date a woman who is over 40.
The question is why ? It's basically life cycles .
Marriage rates world wide are at record lows. Most men are not willing to get married or have children. Most countries the woman gets 50% of everything. Then the men have to pay alimonies and child support. So they see their ex's living a normal life. While they struggle to live. Bringing men in and out of their children's lives. All the drama and chaos from blended families. Have turned men off to marriage. Then when you look at the behavior of most younger women today. It can be highly offensive to men of traditional and conservative values.
Now let's be honest women who have children have the hardest time.
If a woman has a child then you have to deal with her ex. Here or there it doesn't matter where. If he's local it can be worse than if he's far away. Usually younger women get involved with men who have their fathers 3 worst traits when they are younger. Then are repulsed by then later. Thousands of studies confirm this and many other factors. You can find them online every where.
Now if your dealing with a woman from another country who has children it's a lot harder than a woman with no children. Looks don't matter. You have a 100 times more drama.
Why ? Countries have laws regarding children leaving that country. If a father objects she may not allowed to leave that country with a children. So all that time money has been wasted. Even if her children's father is worthless never sees the children. She will be required to get him to sign a paper for the children's release. If she was involved with a bad boy or loser he will blackmail her. Want money gifts to be bribed for being her sperm donator. Then add in the cost of the legal papers and more. Women often can't afford to get the release or it takes years. Then add in her family putting fears worries in her head. Playing head and heart games with her because they do not want her or their nieces, nephews or grandchildren to leave and not see them again. Delays the entire relationship out. Time is life.
To all you younger women here's my advice. Before you have a child. You better be a 1000% certain of that man your having them with or having sex with. Or you will end up in a life you will regret!
This has led way to a huge increase of declining moral and ethical values world wide!
Look at Asia most of them are refusing to get married, have sex, or have children under the age of 35. Because it's so complicated and hard. Because of laws, traditions and cultural beliefs.
In the US in most states a woman can not relocate more than a 150 miles from the father of her children.
Then look at international laws regarding children by most countries. Even in Europe are becoming strict. Germany is now doing DNA testing to determine who the fathers are. After 1 weekend they caught a 1000 fraudulent cases of women wanting a German visa after paying German men to say they are the babies father. To have a child born there. Those men got fined. The women and child deported instantly. Now the child has no official country of origin. Because it was born in Germany . But Germany removed its citizenship for life. Because of fraud.
So many people lying, cheating, corruption trying to bribe or become opportunists tough laws have come out.
Technology is catching up to catch them.
Look at several women who left their children behind to marry a foreigner for a better life. Because they couldn't take the child out of the country.
Men have become very clever about women today!
Also the laws for bringing a foreign wife home in most countries has got so strict.
The man can't have any arrests for anything or the woman will be denied a visa for entry.
Only countries that do require this I would never set foot in personally.
IMBRA ( international marriage brokers regulation act). Does back ground checks on men from other countries.
Most men do not realize if they can't pass that. They can't bring a foreign wife back to their country!
No drugs, drunk driving, domestic violence , assaults , batteries, human trafficking , no criminal activity at all.
Even if it was 30 years ago your new wife will be denied a entry visa. Or if she has any criminal record of anything.
Even if you marry her in her country. Unless you wish to live there for at least 7 years as husband and wife.
I have passed the IMBRA.
So if it's so complicated why am I here?
Long story short. I've known Ukrainian and Russians for decade now. Their values are similar to mine. I understand their mentality, customs, traditions, beliefs and more. It's very similar as how I was raised.