When a man is just a friend: myths, reality and unexpected bonuses.
id: 10056496

How do you know that he is truly a friend?

✔ He doesn’t compliment your lips, but admires your ability to eat pizza without using your hands.
✔ He is not jealous of your suitors, but gives you a strategic plan on how to lure them into his net.
✔ He is always there when needed, but doesn’t drag you by the hand into the sunset to the sounds of a romantic ballad.
✔ He can call you “bro” and won’t blink an eye.
Pros of a male friend:

He tells the truth. Even when the truth is “you really feel uncomfortable walking in this dress.”

He is your translator from male to human. Figuring out what his “I’m busy” meant is not a task for the faint of heart, but you have a special agent!
He will protect you… …but first he will laugh at your fears.
The main thing is not to confuse!
If suddenly you are confused and begin to suspect that he is not “just a friend”, remember three simple tests:
Invite him to go to a romantic candlelit dinner. If he agrees – suspicious! If he replies “Can we go to a burger place?” – relax, everything is fine.
Ask him to help you move. A real friend will bring boxes and leave. An enemy will start offering to stay the night.
Say that you are cold. A friend will give you a jacket. But if he starts warming you with his hugs – something is fishy here!
A man-friend is a valuable specimen that needs to be protected. This is not love, not flirting, not "friendship with bonuses", but just a person with whom you can laugh, watch football and discuss why your ex is a bad investment. The main thing is not to confuse him with a prince on a white horse.
