Is it possible to fall in love with a smile?
id: 10052353

But is it possible to fall in love with just a smile?
A smile is more than just a gesture
You can read a lot in it:
Sincerity, when a person smiles not for the sake of decency, but because he feels good.
Warmth, which makes you feel cozy even on the gloomiest day. A game, when someone looks at you a little longer than necessary, and the corners of the lips rise with a hint...
And then there are those smiles that drive you crazy. You see it once - and that's it, you're lost. You start waiting for it, catching it, dreaming of seeing it again... It's already an addiction, but what a pleasant one. Is it possible to fall in love with a smile?
Yes, you can. And not just yes, you can easily do it! Because sometimes one smile says more about a person than a thousand words. And also… it can be the beginning of something bigger. So if one day you feel your heart beat faster from someone’s smile – just smile back. Who knows, maybe it’s fate? Maria.
