I never argue. i just explain why i'm right.
id: 10055543

For example, someone starts saying that chocolate isn't that healthy. Of course, I can start arguing. But why? I just tell you all the arguments that make chocolate not only delicious, but also healthy (it's actually an art!). After all, if there's evidence, there's no point in arguing. But what if someone claims that I'm mismanaging my time and that I should do something differently? I don't argue, I don't go into details. I just say that I chose this path because it works for me. And believe me, it is quite convincing. Sometimes I think people forget one important thing: all our disagreements are simply a matter of perception. I explain it, and everything immediately becomes obvious. To argue is to not understand, and to explain is to open eyes. So if you ever find yourself in a situation where I explain why I am right, do not be offended. I just do it out of love, to make things easier. After all, who needs to waste time arguing when you can simply convey the truth to someone? Nadya.
