How i stopped putting things off: working methods
id: 10044703

Here are the methods that have really worked for me:

The two-minute rule.
If a thing can be done in two minutes, I do it right away. This applies to answering texts, doing the dishes, putting an entry in my calendar. This is how I get the small tasks off my “must do” list.

Dividing it into small steps.
Often the thing I've been putting off seems too complicated. I break it down into simple steps: instead of “write an article,” it's “open a document,” “make a plan,” “write the first paragraph.” This makes the task less intimidating.

The “tomato” technique.
I set a timer for 25 minutes and focus only on the task at hand. Then 5 minutes of rest - and work again. This rhythm helps me not get overwhelmed.

“Tough first.”
I try to do the most unpleasant things first thing in the morning while I have energy. Then the work gets easier.

A reminder of the consequences.
I ask myself: “What will happen if I don't do this now?” Usually realizing the consequences motivates me to take action.

Minimize distractions.
I put my phone away, close unnecessary tabs, and create a working environment around me.

Since I've started using these techniques, I've noticed that I've gotten more done and less stressed about deadlines. The key is to get started! 💪😊
