Why the type of photos????
id: 13712
I don't want to sound like a prude; but why are so many photos of women with barely anything on? The USA is a large country and percentage wise only a small part of it has good coastline that can be reached within a day drive to 2/3s of the population more if you count the great lakes.So why so many bathing suits Most of us in the USA only get 2-5 weeks of vacation per year and can't always afford a beach vacation. But getting back to the photos its nice to see so many photos of so many beautiful women( which most are professional done). But sure would be nice to see more women in every day dress. See photos of what your going to see everyday after your married. If some of the women dress like they do in the photos from this site as everyday wear I can see a lot of jealous husbands and fights. I just saying I would like to see more photos that leaves more to the imagination more of the thrill of what to discover on the wedding night.