Women of 21 century became the same like Amazons in the Ancient world.
id: 10035142
Amazons always were for women, is a symbol of women's independence, a model for imitation, sometimes literally, and for men - a model of beauty and attractiveness.
In the Ancient world women fighted that get food and run of sociaety .Men looking for children, make housework and do woman's orderes.
Possible it will sounds very rude , Iam sorry but what Iam going to say will sound rude, but this is what I can see around Ukraine.
Nowdays men hide under the women's skirt like little boys under mother's skirt when afraid something. it seems men afraid this world. Does it happen just with men in Ukraine or abroad too?
Today women have additional brains, as she has to work and earn such salary that will be enough to buy food and clothers for children and her man. She does a lot of things at the same time .She does housework, cook, work and looking for children and has to care about herself that looks like model in magazines. Is it possible? And man just is laying on the sofa at the same time before TVset and just muttering on the whole world. Is it fair ?
Iam curious will men take part that change something? or possible it is very comfortable being a man that do nothing nowdays except making children for a woman ?



P.s. I heard that abroad woman is need not only for house work... is it true?