Are you familiar with a feeling when you began to think about something negative and cant stop... when you worry about future and when you cant understand what do you do in this big world? If yes, you are in right place now!:)
I had hard period in my life... divorce, alone with little kid, difficulties with work... because of this I was in bad mood almost all time and I really did not see light in the end of tunnel. I had feeling that happiness of life is not for me... all this was happening until I recognized that I have only ONE LIFE (maybe not one, who knows:)) and I should change something though for my son.
I've begun from work with my thoughts... all troubles are in our head! Are you agree with me?
I want to write what helped me to change my life, to live in harmony with myself ... and I hope my advices will help you also, dear Reader.
1) Stop and focus on the positive right now! :)
Negative thinking has long prevailed in our society. And it's time to start "switching" only on good thoughts. To do it simply - switch attention to what makes you happy or for what you are thankful for. Of course, this is a long process, in no case can we stop.
2) Repeat positive words throughout the day.
Every time you feel anxious, say soothing words such as: "Calm down. All is well". You can imagine pleasant images, such as a light breeze on the beach, where there is absolutely no one around, but only peace reigns.:) Words are very important and powerful, so use them to your advantage when you feel tired!
3) Try to meditate.
Have you ever tried to meditate? When you meditate, you stop the flow of thoughts that literally bombard your mind every second, and instead go into a space where peace and tranquility reigns. If you want more peace in your mind and life, start meditating!:)
4) Live HERE and NOW
Forget about the errands you need to perform tomorrow after work, or about the bills that you will have to pay next week, or about the uncertainty of your future, which you have not reached yet. Pay your attention on beauty of nature which is around you... or on smile of kid which is looking at you right now!:)
5) Go to nature!:)
Nature is ideal way to calm a tense mind. You can go out of town on weekends or just take a walk during a lunch break in a park...
If to follow these easy recomendations, you will see how your life changes. Our thoughts create our life... begin to think positive since this moment and be happy!:)
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