Valentine's day is a day for lovers, not married people!
id: 10055543

But let's be honest: Valentine's Day is a holiday for lovers, not married people!
Why? Because lovers still hold hands, sigh under the moon, and write long messages with lots of hearts. And married people ask on this day:
- "Do you remember what day it is today?"
- "Of course!" (a quick glance at the calendar, cold sweat on the forehead).
Lovers choose the most beautiful cafe for a romantic dinner. Married people choose a restaurant that offers discounts on loyalty cards.
Lovers buy teddy bears and bouquets. Married people buy chicken and potatoes because they've run out of groceries at home.
Lovers write poems to each other:
— "You're my sun, you're the light of my life..."
Married people write to each other:
— "Buy some bread."
Lovers expect surprises. Married people hope there won't be any surprises, because surprises are usually either unexpected expenses or a call from their child's teacher at school. But if you think about it, Valentine's Day isn't just about flowers and candy. It's about remembering to say "I love you," even if your gift is just watching a TV series together under a blanket. Because true love is when, even after many years of marriage, you're still tolerated, despite your habit of eating the last piece of cake.
So, married people, don't be upset! Lovers rejoice today, but your holiday is the 25th anniversary of your life together, when you both will forget the anniversary date, but will still be together.
With love, Your Nadya.
