Who's the boss? the story of how i researched it.
id: 10052353

The first one is the husband.
It all makes sense, right? The man of the house, the breadwinner, the protector... basically, the one who can hold the remote control with one hand, the phone with the other, and the refrigerator door with his foot.
But the president came across me nailing a shelf to it, when he suddenly remembered the eternal male "I'll come later." This mysterious "later" lasts about as long as it takes to reach the size of the cabinet in the living room.
The second candidate is the cat
Here, everything is simpler: he considers himself the boss by default. If someone should sit in the most comfortable chair, it's the cat. If someone should get food first, it's the cat. If someone should wake me up at 5 a.m. so I can watch him stomp on the keyboard, guess who.
The third candidate is a robot vacuum cleaner
This guy really works! He moves with a purposefulness that I can only dream of. However, as soon as he got stuck under the sofa, I realized: the boss in the house can’t get stuck under the furniture. So it’s not him.
The fourth candidate is me
After thinking about it and drinking three cups of coffee, I decided: what if I’m the boss after all? But I had to say it out loud, as the cat climbed onto the table, my husband stared at his phone, and the vacuum cleaner rolled back under the sofa.
In general, who’s the boss in the house is a philosophical question. But if you ask my cat, he’ll answer: “You’re my servant, and that’s not even up for discussion.” With humor, Maria.
