How not to fall in love with an illusion?
id: 10052871

But here's the question, do we really know this person, or do we just create his image in our head?

🌀 We see what we want to see. If someone writes us something nice, we subconsciously ignore the alarm signals or the inconsistency of his words and actions.

🌀 We paint the picture. They wrote to us that we like family values ​​- and we mentally see how we celebrate Christmas with him.

🌀 We fill in the gaps ourselves. If they rarely write to us, we justify their busyness. If the time of day does not suit us - we come up with reasons instead of honestly asking if he is really interested in communication?

Don't idealize a person prematurely until you meet them in person, they're just an acquaintance, not future love

Listen to yourself. If something raises doubts, if you feel that something is wrong - don't ignore it. Intuition is rarely wrong. It's better to talk to your chosen one!

And what do you think, how to distinguish real feelings from fantasy? Have you ever fallen in love with an image, not a person? 🤔
