Never go back.
id: 10052353

Sometimes it seems that you only need to take a step back - and everything will return: old feelings, warmth, the same eyes in which thoughts once drowned. But is it worth going to a place where you once left? If this place were your home, you would not have to come to it - you would stay there.
People change. The one who once swore his love may be a completely different person today. Or, perhaps, he was never the one you saw. And if you had to leave - it means that there was a feeling for that.
The past closes doors, but opens new opportunities
Returning back, you will not find anything new there. Only I have the same mistakes, the same pain, the same regrets. It seems that everything can be fixed, in other words, done differently, but this is the trap - life moves forward, not backwards. Of course, sometimes the past suddenly knocks on the door. But is it worth opening it? If someone left, they have already made their choice. If someone destroyed your faith in love, in people, in yourself - would you want to give them the right to control your feelings again? Look only forward. Never go back. Yes, it can be scary, painful, difficult. Sometimes it seems that there is only darkness ahead, and there is a huge warm place behind. But if this place really was your light, it would not remain in the past. The past is a lesson, not a path. Your life is not a movie that you can put on repeat. Do not reread the old chapter - you still have so many unwritten pages ahead of you. And maybe there's something much better waiting around the next corner. Trust the future. It might surprise you. Maria.
